I sit back and lay on a hammock five floors up from the ground. It's midnight in Sao Paulo but it's 9pm at home. I talk with my family over Skype and I'm ecstatic about seeing their faces--especially the kids. My oldest nephew takes one look at the screen, smiles...
Oficialmente les puedo decir que me han aceptado a tres programas de intercambios académicos en Brasil y China. Comienzo el 1ro de Mayo del 2014 y termino en Junio del 2015. Como no los voy a ver en ese tiempo, ¡les invito a celebrar conmigo! Cuando: Sabado 26 de Abril...
For the past four years I have studied Latin American political and social issues and now have an amazing opportunity through Bishop's University of learning how a social movement in Brazil is helping the poor overcome this issue of not having a place to call home.