This handsome feller is me 🙂

I’m a Guatemalan-Canadian who has been privileged to live in various parts of the world.

I’m a Journalist by trade, and so naturally I love to tell stories. I also love politics. This blog is dedicated to telling the stories of what I have learned from those I’ve met throughout my life and the lessons they shared with me. This blog is all about life lessons we can all learn from people from all walks of life. From time to time I will also present political primers on current issues in Latin America, Canada, and abroad.

Why should you read this?

My goal is to inspire people to interact more personally with each other. If you’ve ever moved to a different country, had to learn a new language, a new culture and start over from scratch you’ll want to read this blog. While it may be hard to adjust to a new life, adjustment and learning is for everyone. My faith, my family and my friends are a great inspiration to me and I hope they will be to you too.

The Reluctant Blogger

What can I say? I’m a procrastinator. I don’t know why, I just am.

A lot of people ask me about my experience growing up in Guatemala, or living in the US, China, Taiwan, or Brazil and being Canadian. They ask me about my Spanish culture or my travels but more importantly they love to hear my crazy stories. Stories like jumping off my two-story roof in Toronto into six feet of snow, or falling from an avocado tree head first into my dads tool shack on top of all of his saws and knifes. Yeah, pretty crazy.

With all the randomness that makes up life one thing all of my stories have in common is that they are all about other people and what I have learned from them. This blog is dedicated to telling our stories.
